
Sustainable today, thriving tomorrow

Think green, act sustainably

Ramcredit has taken this approach to support sustainable investment in our estates, operating our agricultural and forestry businesses with a view to the future. To address the imbalance between people and the environment, it is essential to adopt sustainable business practices that prioritize social and environmental responsibility while generating revenue. This will ensure that economic growth benefits everyone, including future generations. Our approach is based on the idea that planning for the future is key to sustainable economic growth that protects healthy markets and enhances our business resiliency and longevity.
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Our fiduciary approach to sustainability and the low-carbon transition

Responsible investment (RI) is an umbrella term that covers various tools and approaches to incorporating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations into investment decision-making processes. It may include ESG integration, active ownership, and dedicated RI-focused capabilities. Our responsible investment guiding principles are a key element of our investment philosophy and process. These principles guide our approach while allowing us to help our clients navigate the responsible investment landscape.

Responsible investing aligns with clients’ interests and can contribute to long-term value. Exogenous risks such as natural disasters and pandemics can disrupt industries and threaten business models. Integrating ESG factors can help uncover opportunities. Active ownership is a key aspect of active management. Our stewardship ambitions extend beyond today's investment opportunity and use our voice to help effect positive change consistent with our client’s objectives. 
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Together for a sustainable tomorrow

To further enhance your sustainability commitments, we adopted the following measures:

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Integrate Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations into your investment decision-making process. This involves selecting companies or funds that have high ESG ratings and actively engage them through dialogue to promote best practices.

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Develop a holistic approach to sustainability by looking beyond financial returns and incorporating social and environmental dimensions into your investment strategies.

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Promote knowledge sharing by educating your clients on sustainability issues and articulating the benefits of sustainable practices for long-term investment returns.

Connect with customers

Embed sustainability across your organization by setting targets and regularly reporting on your sustainability performance.

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Impact investing: Allocating capital to companies, organizations, or funds with the intention of generating a measurable, positive social or environmental impact alongside financial returns.

We not only create value for the society and the environment, but also enhance our business reputation and provide an opportunity for long-term investment returns. By taking proactive measures to address today’s global challenges, we will contribute to a better future for all stakeholders.

Corporate Responsibility

We are committed to making a positive impact on society by investing in sustainable projects, providing training and development opportunities for our employees, and supporting local initiatives that promote economic growth and social welfare. Our goal is to contribute to building a better future for everyone.

Diversity Equity &Inclusion

We recognize that a diverse and inclusive workforce is essential to achieving our goals, and we are committed to creating an environment where everyone feels valued and supported. We strive to increase, develop, and promote multicultural talent by elevating the role of equity.

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ESG Compliance

ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) factors in our business operations ESG is a framework that we integrate into our policies and strategies to manage risks and increase sustainable growth. Adopting an ESG approach enables our businesses to operate responsibly, contribute positively to society, and improve financial performance.

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