Our investment approach

Our investment approach is rooted in global fundamental research, combining insights across regions, sectors, and asset classes. We believe in collaboration across our teams to stay ahead of the markets and provide custom investment strategies for each individual client. Transparency and communication are key to building long-lasting relationships with our clients, and we prioritize diversification in our structured and disciplined approach to portfolio construction. Our focus is on achieving sustainable results over time, with careful evaluation and due diligence on every investment opportunity.

Our Strategy

How we see what others can't

Each of our investment platforms offers clients a wide range of investment strategies designed to provide specific outcomes.
WHo we are

Innovative research

Our investment approach is also built around research and analysis. We are committed to staying current with market trends and developments, and our analysts work tirelessly to monitor markets and identify investment opportunities. We also leverage technology to enhance our research capabilities, using sophisticated data analytics tools to create a more complete understanding of market trends and investment opportunities. Our commitment to client service is another key aspect of our investment approach. We recognize that our clients are trusting us with their financial future, and we take this responsibility very seriously. We are always available to our clients, providing guidance and support whenever they need it.

We also make it a priority to communicate clearly and regularly with our clients, keeping them informed of our investment decisions and performance results. We understand that superior investment results come from a combination of disciplined portfolio construction, rigorous research and analysis, and exceptional client service. It is this holistic approach that has made us one of the industry's leading wealth and asset management firms, and we are committed to maintaining our focus and delivering results for our clients for years to come.

The Decision-Making Difference

Every decision matters. From our predictive analytics to our dynamic business applications, we help unearth critical and commercial insights to help you capture opportunities and manage risk. Our advanced tools and technologies enable businesses to make informed decisions based on data-driven insights, giving them a competitive edge in today's fast-paced market. With our solutions, you can stay ahead of the curve and achieve your business goals with confidence.

Global Dynamic Multi-Asset

The RamCredit Global Dynamic Multi-Asset Strategy seeks a stable pattern of returns utilizing a process designed to control market volatility and reduce the probability of extreme outcomes. The Multi-Asset team allocates the strategy's assets among various global equity and fixed-income baskets of securities managed by RamCredit's security selectors. This approach allows the team to optimize the strategy's risk-return profile and seek to generate consistent returns over time. Additionally, the team conducts rigorous analysis and research to identify attractive investment opportunities across asset classes and geographies.

RC has taken a focused approach to investment that sets us apart from our competitors. Our approach is grounded in a deep understanding of our client's goals, and we pride ourselves on our ability to deliver superior results by customizing our investment strategy for each individual client. We also prioritize transparency and communication with our clients, ensuring that they are informed and involved in the investment process every step of the way. This allows us to build strong, long-lasting relationships with our clients based on trust and mutual success.
At the core of our investment approach is a commitment to diversification. We know that markets can be volatile and unpredictable, and a well-managed portfolio must be tailored to match the unique needs of each client. As such, we take a structured and disciplined approach to portfolio construction, ensuring that we select a balance of assets that align with the unique needs of our clients.

We recognize that achieving our clients'investment objectives is a long-term endeavor, and our investment approach is focused on creating sustainable results over time. We carefully evaluate opportunities within each asset class, and we perform rigorous due diligence on every investment we make.


RamCredit provides risk-calibrated multi-asset solutions to help investors navigate uncertain markets with agility. Solutions range from core asset allocation strategies to customized client mandates, with a focus on security selection expertise and an asset allocation framework. This helps investors navigate uncertain markets with ease.

In order to optimize a portfolio’s performance, it is critical to consider both risk and reward. We work with our clients to determine their long-term risk and return goals, applying our asset allocation expertise to help them achieve targeted outcomes. We dynamically manage a portfolio’s asset mix over its lifetime, adding or reducing exposures to meet specified mandates using our proprietary market forecast as a guide.

Global Equity

RamCredit analyzes companies around the world to identify and invest in fundamentally attractive stocks. We use our global equity platform to assemble portfolios, company by company, to meet specific investment objectives. This is made possible through deep fundamental research, collaboration, and focused investment teams that benefit from the firm's global infrastructure. This approach enables us to make informed investment decisions based on rigorous analysis and an understanding of each company's fundamentals.

International Equity

Through economic booms, geopolitical challenges, and market uncertainty, we have invested in companies outside the United States in disciplined ways that reward our investors.

Ramcredit's investment approach is to seek out and invest in financially sound companies at attractive prices. Our teams of international portfolio managers and analysts work to identify opportunities around the world, with access to 104 investment professionals. Our focus on risk management and diversification helps mitigate potential downside risks while maximizing returns.

Emerging Markets Equity

The RamCredit Emerging Markets Equity strategy seeks to generate strong relative returns over a long-term time horizon by investing in companies with strong financial productivity at attractive valuations. It typically invests in 65 to 86 securities of companies domiciled in countries included in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index with over $400 million in market cap and sufficient liquidity. Companies not domiciled in emerging markets but that derive more than 50% of their net assets and/or sales from emerging-market countries are also included in the initial universe. The strategy aims to provide exposure to emerging markets while managing risk through diversification, based on quantitative analysis and fundamental research.

Emerging Markets Core Equity

The RamCredit primary objective of the Emerging Markets Core Equity strategy is to generate favorable returns relative to the risk incurred by investing in companies whose market valuations are inaccurately assessed. The investment approach typically involves selecting 65 to 86 securities that have sufficient liquidity and a market capitalization of $400 million or more and are based in or have significant business operations in emerging market countries. Additionally, companies that generate more than 50% of their net assets or sales from emerging markets are considered in the initial selection process. The strategy anticipates a tracking error within the range of 3.0% to 5.0%.

US Equity

US equities are a critical component of any investor's asset allocation. Our US equity team constructs portfolios, company by company, focusing on two sources of alpha: companies that can compound returns and those that can improve returns. Our insight into future returns is driven by deep, forward-looking fundamental research from our sector experts, who benefit from collaborating with Ramcredit's global investment resources.

Asia-Pacific Equity

Our investment teams are locally based to benefit from firsthand knowledge of the business environment. They adhere to a unique investment philosophy and process but share a disciplined approach to security selection. They also have access to Ramcredit's global research resources, such as sector research and risk management oversight, to make informed investment decisions and mitigate potential risks. Their investment philosophy emphasizes long-term value creation and sustainable growth.

Quantitative Equity

We take a multi-factor approach to investing, maintaining exposure to four proprietary factors, including a growth factor. Our models are designed to take advantage of systematic biases in the market and guide us to companies that offer an attractive balance of risk and return. We collaborate with Ramcredit's fundamental teams to strengthen our security selection through analysis of fundamental insights. This has enabled us to make informed investment decisions, backed by a thorough analysis of market insights, allowing our clients to achieve their investment goals with confidence and consistency.

Convertibles Platform

Investors aiming to profit from the risk-return imbalance are attracted to convertible securities because they contain both equity and fixed-income characteristics. We build long-only and hedged strategies that aim for sustained alpha and lower return volatility by utilizing our experience in convertibles and fundamental bottom-up analysis.


We combine the latest technology with scalable, proprietary, and rigorous risk controls to build and manage customized portfolios that help clients solve their ESG and retirement challenges. We strive to be a trusted partner in helping clients achieve long-term financial success by providing tailored solutions that align with their values and objectives.


We provide specialized research and policy expertise to anticipate trends, explore regional opportunities, and exploit market inefficiencies across asset classes. We strive to deliver superior results through rigorous analysis and disciplined execution.

Quality Investing

RamCredit Asset Management's approach to fundamental active investing involves investing in companies with high financial productivity and trading at attractive valuations. A decade ago, research revealed that the level and direction of firms'financial productivity was a key driver of their share prices. Our investment strategy is based on the belief that companies with high financial productivity and attractive valuations will outperform the market in the long run. Our research-driven approach helps them identify these companies and make informed investment decisions.

Performance Data

Performance data is for active investors only. To view the data, create an account or Sign in into an existing account

Our approach

Performance Data

Performance data is for active investors only . To view the data, create an account below or Sign in into an existing account

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